Built-In Devices

This example demonstrates some input devices built into AxoPy for testing. Pass the following options to try out different devices:


Basic use of an NoiseGenerator to show lots of colorful random data.


Basic use of a Keyboard to show roughly-timed keyboard inputs.


Neat use of a filter to get joystick-like inputs from a keyboard.


A silly EMG simulator that uses smoothed ‘wasd’ key presses to modulate the amplitude of Gaussian noise – they kinda look like EMG signals!


Basic use of a Mouse for velocity input.

import sys
import argparse
import numpy as np
from axopy.task import Oscilloscope
from axopy.experiment import Experiment
from axopy.daq import NoiseGenerator, Keyboard, Mouse
from axopy.pipeline import Pipeline, Callable, Windower, Filter

def rainbow():
    dev = NoiseGenerator(rate=2000, num_channels=16, read_size=200)

def keyboard():
    dev = Keyboard()
    # need a windower to show something interesting in the oscilloscope
    pipeline = Pipeline([Windower(10)])
    run(dev, pipeline)

def keystick():
    dev = Keyboard(rate=20, keys=list('wasd'))
    pipeline = Pipeline([
        # window to average over
        # mean along rows
        Callable(lambda x: np.mean(x, axis=1, keepdims=True)),
        # window to show in the oscilloscope
    run(dev, pipeline)

def emgsim():
    # sampling rate of the simulated EMG data
    fs = 2000
    # update rate of the generated data
    update_rate = 20
    # gain to use in noise generation
    gain = 0.25
    # number of seconds of data the oscilloscope shows
    osc_view_time = 5

    samp_per_input = int(fs / update_rate)

    pipeline = Pipeline([
        # get keyboard inputs of past second
        # take mean over last second and apply a gain
        Callable(lambda x: np.mean(x, axis=1, keepdims=True)),
        # generate noise with amplitude of previous output
        Callable(lambda x, k: gain * x * np.random.randn(x.shape[0], k),
        # window for pretty display in oscilloscope
        Windower(osc_view_time * update_rate * samp_per_input),

    dev = Keyboard(rate=update_rate, keys=list('wasd'))
    run(dev, pipeline)

def mouse():
    dev = Mouse(rate=20)
    pipeline = Pipeline([
        # just for scaling the input since it's in pixels
        Callable(lambda x: x/100),
        # window to show in the oscilloscope
    run(dev, pipeline)

def run(dev, pipeline=None):
    # run an experiment with just an oscilloscope task
    Experiment(daq=dev, subject='test').run(Oscilloscope(pipeline))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    functions = {
        'rainbow': rainbow,
        'keyboard': keyboard,
        'keystick': keystick,
        'emgsim': emgsim,
        'mouse': mouse,

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=__doc__)
        help='Function in the example script to run.')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.function not in functions:
        print("{} isn't a function in the example.".format(args.function))

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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