Source code for axopy.gui.graph

Widgets for plotting multi-channel signals.

import pyqtgraph

[docs]class SignalWidget(pyqtgraph.GraphicsLayoutWidget): """ Scrolling oscilloscope-like widget for displaying real-time signals. Intended for multi-channel viewing, each channel gets its own row in the widget, and all channels share y-axis zoom. """ def __init__(self): super(SignalWidget, self).__init__() self.plot_items = [] self.plot_data_items = [] self.n_channels = 0 self.setBackground(None)
[docs] def plot(self, data): """ Adds a window of data to the widget. Previous windows are scrolled to the left, and the new data is added to the end. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray, shape = (n_channels, n_samples) Window of data to add to the end of the currently-shown data. """ nch, nsamp = data.shape if nch != self.n_channels: self.n_channels = nch self._update_num_channels() for i, pdi in enumerate(self.plot_data_items): pdi.setData(data[i])
def _update_num_channels(self): self.clear() self.plot_items = [] self.plot_data_items = [] pen = _MultiPen(self.n_channels) for i in range(self.n_channels): plot_item = self.addPlot(row=i, col=0) plot_data_item = plot_item.plot(pen=pen.get_pen(i), antialias=True) plot_item.showAxis('bottom', False) plot_item.showGrid(y=True, alpha=0.5) plot_item.setMouseEnabled(x=False) plot_item.setMenuEnabled(False) if self.n_channels > 1: label = "ch {}".format(i) plot_item.setLabels(left=label) if i > 0: plot_item.setYLink(self.plot_items[0]) self.plot_items.append(plot_item) self.plot_data_items.append(plot_data_item) self.plot_items[0].disableAutoRange(pyqtgraph.ViewBox.YAxis) self.plot_items[0].setYRange(-1, 1)
class _MultiPen(object): MIN_HUE = 160 HUE_INC = 20 VAL = 200 def __init__(self, n_colors): self.n_colors = n_colors self.max_hue = self.MIN_HUE + n_colors*self.HUE_INC def get_pen(self, index): return pyqtgraph.intColor( index, hues=self.n_colors, minHue=self.MIN_HUE, maxHue=self.max_hue, minValue=self.VAL, maxValue=self.VAL)