Experiment Setup Options

Demonstration of several ways to instantiate an experiment.

The most straightforward usage. You pass the hardware device to create the experiment, then run a task. Subject configuration is handled automatically.
A customized experiment setup. A “config” step is used before Experiment.run() to allow the researcher to select the subject group for the current session (“A” or “B”).
import argparse
from axopy.experiment import Experiment
from axopy.task import Oscilloscope
from axopy.daq import NoiseGenerator

daq = NoiseGenerator(rate=2000, num_channels=6, read_size=200)

def run():
    """Main function of the example. Runs each demo and then exits."""

def simple():
    # subject is not given, so it is configured in run
    exp = Experiment(daq=daq).run(Oscilloscope())

def customized():
    exp = Experiment(daq=daq)

    # optional config step, subject field is implied
    config = exp.configure(group=('A', 'B'))

    # here you can retrieve the selected group via `config['group']`

    # run list of tasks

def debug():
    # subject is given, so no configure step is needed
    exp = Experiment(daq=daq, data='/tmp/data', subject='test').run(

if __name__ == '__main__':
    functions = {
        'simple': simple,
        'customized': customized,

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=__doc__)
        help='Function in the example script to run.')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.function not in functions:
        print("{} isn't a function in the example.".format(args.function))

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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